Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Color of SAP GUI windows

I’m posting a small hint which helps to recognize in which SAP system you are connected via SAP GUI. Sometimes when you are working with several sessions in different systems and you switching between windows very often it is problem to do not get confused.

To avoid such an mistakes you can change the color of SAP GUI windows for production client screen to red color for test systems to some different color and as well some other color for development systems. Procedure to do so is following:

Log in to some SAP system in which you want to change the color via SAP GUI -> select Customizing local layout (ALT+F12) -> Set color to system (select color) -> Save.

Setting BW Production Client

To setup production client in a BW system in order to use BW func. (e.g. RSA1) take the following steps.

1. create new client via SCC4

2. copy client from 000

3. adapt Instance or Default profile parameter login/system_client so the the system opens with prod. client

4. Edit the cust. in table RSADMINA and change the value of field BWMANDT to your new client.

5. Test with running RSA1.

References: OSS Note 122679 and 116432

Check Business Processes In/Out in Solution Manager


As project team member, you want to:

check business scenarios and/or processes which have already been used productively, out of the Solution Directory, to adjust or change them in a maintenance project.

check business processes which have been changed or adjusted for production processing in a maintenance project (transaction SOLAR01), back into the Solution Directory.

As project leader or administrator, you want to:

confirm business scenarios or processes to be checked out of the Solution Directory, and assign them to project team members for processing.

confirm changed or adjusted business scenarios or processes from the maintenance project (transaction SOLAR01) which are to be checked in, for production processing.


You have assigned a maintenance project with project team members, to your solution, and selected the check-out function in the solution settings.

Process Flow


Once the business scenarios or processes are checked out, they can no longer be changed in the Solution Directory.


1. Check-out of the Solution Directory into the maintenance project (transaction SOLAR01)

You are in the Solution Landscape Maintenance (Solution Directory):

a. as project team member:

i. Select the business scenario or process, in the Structure tab.

ii. Click on the button Request.

The system changes the status of the change request to Check-Out Requested.


You can reset the request with the pushbutton Cancel Request.


b. as project leader or administrator:

i. Choose Check Out to check the processes in the project out.

If you have assigned the roles for the project leader, the project team member selection appears.

ii. Assign project team members by selecting them.

iii. Confirm.

The system changes the status of the change request to Checked-Out.

The checked out business scenario or process appears in the maintenance project under the hierarchy node for your solution.

2. Check-in from the maintenance project (transaction SOLAR01) into the Solution Directory

a. as project team member:

You are in the Business Blueprint (transaction SOLAR01). The system displays the status Checked Out.

i. Select the business scenario or process, in the Structure tab.

ii. Click on the button Ready.

The system changes the status to Check-In Requested.


To be able to release the processes, you must set the status of all associated documents, such as documentation, test cases, etc. to Released.

b. as project leader or administrator:

You are in the Solution Directory for your solution. The system shows the change request status as Check-In Requested.

i. Choose Check-In.

ii. Save.


You can trace changes to your business processes, in the change history.

Changing Logo In Netweaver Screen Shots free downloads

JAVA Overview
WEB AS Positioning
SAP Netweaver Developer Studio
WEB Infrastructure
Java Development Infrastructure
Persistence Components
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
SQLJ Embeeded SQL In Java
How To Change The JDK To J2EE
J2EE Administration Manual
JAVA Engine Administration Tools
JAVA Startup Control Frame Work
J310 JAVA Web Dynpro
Master Guide MYSAP SR1
Master Guide SAP Netweaver
XI System Content Copy
XI In High Availability Environments
XI Tuning Guide
XI Sample Chapter
Creating I views Screen Shots
Changing Logo In Netweaver Screen Shots
Creating Pages Work Sets Roles Screen Shots

Changes not visible after Transport of BI 7.0 Web Template

You transport a BI 7.0 Web Template but after the import the changes is not visible in the report.Do get around this problem, clear the ICM cache in your BI backend system via transaction SMICM.See the screenshot below:

Password Rules

A lot of new features have been introduced with NetWeaver 2004s and its ABAP SAP Application Server 7.0. Finally password is case sensitive and may have from 8 to 40 characters in length. Huge bunch of new system profile parameter have been acquaint as well:









For details see following SAP notes:
862989 1023437 992855 968558 943505

Change/Adjust Business Scenarios and Processes in Solution Manager


You can change and adjust production business scenarios and processes, using the 4 eyes principle.


You have:

Defined solutions.

Defined business scenarios and processes

assigned Roles for the Solution Directory:

Project team member: SAP_SOLMAN_DIRECTORY_EDIT

Project leader or administrator: SAP_SOLMAN_DIRECTORY_ADMIN

assigned roles for Project administration

Process Flow


1. The project team member responsible for modelling the business scenarios and processes wants to change one or more production business scenario or process. The processes must be checked out of the Solution Directory into a maintenance project for processing. Project leader or administrator:

a. assigns an existing maintenance project to the solution in the solution settings or defines and assigns a new maintenance project with Create and Assign New Project in the Project Administration (transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN).

b. activates the history and check out/in functions in the solution settings.

c. assigns project team members to make changes in the maintenance project later.

2. The business scenarios or processes of the solution are selected for check-out into the maintenance project, by the project team member responsible.

3. The administrator or project leader releases check-out of the business processes into the maintenance project for specified project team members.

4. The project team members edit the business scenarios or processes assigned to them, in the maintenance project.

5. When the project team members have edited the business scenarios, they check the business scenarios or processes back into the processes.

6. The administrator or project leader confirms the procedure so that the changed business scenarios and processes are productive.

Change Request Management Roles in Solution Manager

Before users can start working with Change Request Management, the system administrator (or equivalent user) has to create user roles that contain the relevant authorizations, and then assign these roles to the corresponding users. The roles have to be created (by using transaction SU01) for users in the following systems:

· SAP Solution Manager system (Change Request Management runs in this system)

· Satellite systems that are managed by Change Request Management

Roles in the SAP Solution Manager System

The following roles are provided by SAP and have to be assigned to the corresponding users in the SAP Solution Manager system:


This role enables the user to approve and reject change requests.


This composite role enables the user to make corrections in the development and maintenance systems, and to release the necessary transport requests. It comprises the following single roles:




This composite role enables the user to test and validate corrections in the test system. It comprises the following single roles:




This composite role enables the user to import corrections into systems, and to perform operational tasks in task lists. It comprises the following single roles:




This composite role enables the user to approve and perform the import of corrections into the production system. In certain critical situations (such as during a payroll run), the production manager can decide not to import corrections into the production system; otherwise, the system could be rendered inconsistent. It comprises the following single roles:




This role enables the user to create change requests.


This composite role enables the user to customize and check all Change Request Management functions in the Solution Manager system, as well as perform administrative and technical tasks for task lists and cProjects. It comprises the following single roles:





Roles in the Satellite Systems in Solution Manager

From a transport point of view, the remote architecture of Change Request Management consists of one central SAP Solution Manager system, which is where Change Request Management runs and where all transports are controlled, and satellite systems where transport requests are created, released, and imported. In all these satellite systems, the local users need to have special authorizations within the Change and Transport System (CTS) according to their particular tasks.

· Real Users

For users in the satellite systems that have the system role types Development, Test or even Production, assign the following roles:


Contains the authorization profile S_TMW_DEVELO. This profile contains CTS authorizations for developers: No authorization to create transport requests, and no authorization to release transport requests but to create and release tasks.


Contains the authorization profile S_TMW_OPERA. This profile contains CTS authorizations for operators: All transport authorizations; no configuration authorizations


Contains the authorization profile S_TMW_ADMIN. This profile contains CTS authorizations for administrators: All authorizations in the CTS (including configuration)


Note that the roles SAP_CHANGEMAN_PROJECTASSISTANT and SAP_CHANGEMAN_PROJECTLEAD are obsolete; do not assign them to users.


For SAP systems based on SAP Web Application Server 6.10 and lower, the profiles listed above are available, but not the roles. Therefore, you have to explicitly assign the authorization profiles to the relevant users.

· Trusted System Users

For all client system actions in Change Request Management, users are required to log on by using trusted systems. For this purpose, you must also assign trusted system authorizations to the relevant users. In particular, you have to assign the authorization object S_RFCACL. For more information, see SAP Solution Manager: Configuration Guide ® Technical Requirements ® Automatic Generation of Trusted System RFC Destinations.

· Background User

This user is required for communication between the SAP Solution Manager system landscape (transaction SMSY) and all systems that have the role type source system. For more information, see Structure linkGenerate/Change RFC Connections. In these logical systems, a communication (background) user is generated for executing tasks in the background (user SOLTMW). This background user automatically has the following profiles from the CTS area:

¡ S_TMW_CREATE for creating and releasing transport requests in development systems as well as for setting the project status switch for creating transport requests

¡ S_TMW_IMPORT for importing transport requests into test systems (empty)

The most important task of the background user is to create and release transport requests and tasks remotely from Change Request Management. Requests that are created in this way are known to Change Request Management, which means that Change Request Management can control the distribution of these requests within the landscape.


Requests that are created, released, or imported locally cannot be identified by Change Request Management in conjunction with a change request and are therefore not part of the Change Request Management transport control and distribution process. For this reason, we recommend that no users (apart from administrators) have authorization to create transport requests or tasks in Change Request Management-controlled clients.

· Import Authorization Checks

Change Request Management uses the import functions of the Transport Management System (TMS). The TMS remote infrastructure is based on RFC connections that point solely to the 000 client of a target system. For this reason, you must make sure that Operators and Administrators have users both in the client into which changes are imported, and in the 000 client of these systems.

· Automatic Imports

In test systems, it is sometimes necessary that imports are performed automatically. If you want developers within the Change Request Management scenario to start imports into a test system automatically, you must add the profile S_TMW_IMPORT to the user TMSADM in client 000 of the test system. Since S_TMW_IMPORT is delivered empty, you have to assign it the authorizations S_CTS_IMPALL and S_CTS_IMPSGL, which are also contained in the authorization object S_CTS_ADMI.


It is now possible to start an import into this system from every satellite system within your domain by using the CPIC user TMSADM; therefore, do not use this method in production systems or in any other security-critical systems.


The system where you want to start the import automatically must share the same transport directory as its preceding system. If the transport directories were different, the user who starts the import would need “addtobuffer” authorizations for the buffer adjustment, which would present a security risk not only for the system concerned, but also for the whole landscape (including the production system).

Authorizations in Solution Manager

The following figures show which authorizations are contained in the Change Request Management roles.

· Roles in SAP Solution Manager system

The following table shows which task list authorizations are assigned to the roles in SAP Solution Manager system:



Prod. Manager

































Change status






· Roles in the satellite systems

The following table shows which transport request/task authorizations are assigned to the satellite system roles:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

* See Roles in the Satellite Systems (Automatic Imports section)

Maintenance Optimizer Roles in Solution Manager

Technical name: SAP_MAINT_OPT_ADMIN

Technical name: SAP_MAINT_OPT_DISP


The individual roles allow users to either administer or display product maintenance procedures in the Maintenance Optimizer.

Activities in

This individual role allows users to create and change product maintenance procedures in the Maintenance Optimizer

Activities in

This individual role allows users to display product maintenance procedures in the Maintenance Optimizer

mySAP Supply Chain Management

Certification Requirements Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management
- Order Fulfillment ( SD )2002

Software components: SAP R/3 4.6C Certification duration: 3 hours Number of certification questions: 80 multiple choice questions Required certifications for participation in this certification test:
Please note that you are not allowed to use any reference materials during the certification test (no access to online documentation or to any SAP system).
The certification test Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management - Order Fulfillmen 2002 verifies the knowledge in the area of the mySAP Supply Chain Management solution for the consultant profile Order Fulfilment. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects.
The certification test consists of questions from the areas specified below:

Topic Areas

1. Special Business Transactions (+)

Availability Checking Consignments Backorder Processing

2. Integration (+)

Organizational Structures SD/FI interface SD/MM interface

3. Reporting (+)


4. Billing (++)

Credit/Debit Memos Billing Plans Billing due List Billing Document types Account Determination

5. Pricing (++)

Rebate Processing Condition Technique General Pricing Processing and Configuration Condition Records Pricing Procedure

6. Master Data (++)

Customer Master Material Master Customer Material Information Record Customer and Product Hierarchies

7. Shipping (++)

Basic Delivery Processing Picking, Packing and Goods Issue Scheduling Routes and Route Determination

8. Sales Processing (+++)

Basic Sales Document Processing and Configuration Contracts Copying Control Partner and Output Control Item Categories and Schedule Line categories

9. ASAP (+)

Accelerated SAP-Overview

10. Experiences from Implementations (Case Study or Project)* (+)

Setting Up Company Structures (organizational units in mySAP.com) Integration and Dependencies
* = In topic area 10, you will be tested on cross-topic implementation and integration issues. Implementation and integration knowledge that refers to a specific area (such as Picking, Packing and Goods Issue) will be tested in the relevant topic (such as Shipping).
Weighting Key in the Test:
+ = 1 - 10% ++ = 11 - 20% +++ = over 20%

CCMS and SAP Solution Manager

System and Business Process Monitoring in the SAP Solution Manager

The system and business process monitoring (including interface monitoring) in the SAP Solution Manager, both use the Computing Center Management System (CCMS) (transaction RZ20) architecture. This means that system alerts which occur in the local CCMS, are passed to the SAP Solution Manager via RFC connections between the SAP Solution Manager and the satellites. The system shows these alerts in a graphic or in Sessions. You can also handle the alerts centrally, without having to go to the local CCMS of the satellite systems.

You can see the alerts from several systems in a solution landscape in the SAP Solution Manager, in a graphical overview, in contrast to the local CCMS of the SAP Solution Manager satellite systems. This is the view of a central CCMS (CEN). You can also monitor non-SAP systems in a central CCMS (CEN) of a satellite system.

CCMS and system monitoring in the SAP Solution Manager

The system monitoring in the SAP Solution Manager is, as described above, like a system-wide central CCMS. It can also contain the central CCMS (CEN) of satellite systems. These CENs can then monitor other components.

The graphical display in the SAP Solution Manager gives you access to the alerts of all systems in a solution. You can go to the local or central CCMS of the satellite systems.

The system proposes the most important alerts in the CCMS monitor collection, according to SAP experience, and their alert thresholds, for each system in the solution, in the system monitoring Session. You can activate or deactivate these alerts. The connection between the local CCMS and the SAP Solution Manager allows you to maintain the alert thresholds directly in the SAP Solution Manager, overwriting the values in the local CCMS.

CCMS and business process/interface monitoring

You activate the customizing for business processes in your solution, in the Business Process MONITORING session in the SAP Solution Manager. A monitoring tree element (MTE), or a monitor collection, „BPM“ of several monitoring objects, is created in the local or central (CEN) CCMS of the satellite system.

The data is collected for the monitoring types of the business process monitoring in contrast to system monitoring, as follows:

The system collects performance (dialog transactions), posting cancellations (V1 and V2) and „Other CCMS“ and interface data, in the local CCMS of the satellite systems.

The system collects background processing, application list, application monitors, delivery lists, and document size data, in the central SAP Solution Manager CCMS.

The SAP Solution Manager system copies the data from the local CCMS.

The graphical display in the SAP Solution Manager simplifies access to the alerts for the business processes, business process steps or the interfaces between the systems in a solution. You can go to the local CCMS of the satellite systems.

The connection between the local CCMS and the SAP Solution Manager allows you to maintain the alert thresholds directly in the SAP Solution Manager. These overwrite the values in the local CCMS.

BW upgrade to BI 7.0 - New Web Reporting

You've probably heard about all the new functionality that comes BI 7.o , especially around web reporting. You can actually upgrade to BI 7.0 "as is" without having to do all the BI-JAVA stuff but then you won't be able to use the new web reporting functionalities that come with BI 7.0 like :

  • New BEx Web Application Designer (Unicode, Command Wizard, ...)
  • Exporting to PDF and Printing
  • Integrated Planning
  • Drag&Drop (Analysis Web Item)
  • Web Items (Container Layout, Menu Bar, Tab Pages, Button Group, ...)
  • Formatted Reporting with BEx Report Designer
  • Document Integration with storage in Knowledge Management

To use the new functionalities you need a BI-JAVA stack, in essence a Netweaver Portal with BI business packages installed on it. You can either utilize your existing Portal or install a dedicated Portal for BI Web reporting.

SAP has a comprehensive note regarding setting this, see Note 917950 - SAP NetWeaver 2004s: Setting Up BEx Web. Also check the handy attachments to the note .

One thing I can add to this : Please try and run this on a 64bit Portal as the BI reports use a lot of memory on the Portal's J2EE. The reason for this is that the query data is transferred to J2EE as a whole during runtime, and we how big BI queries can be! (Note 996600 - 32 Bit platforms not recommended for productive NW2004s apps, Note 1044330 - Java parameterization for BI systems)

BW Go live Optimization report

SAP AG always recommend to performing the SAP Going-Live Checks for your production system. Depending on the phase of your project, these checks, offered by SAP, analyze the hardware sizing, check the configuration of the server and components, find performance bottlenecks, and verify the capacity of CPU and memory. The results of the checks are issued in a report (approximately 50 pages) provided by SAP.

EP Going-Live Check Analysis Session (GA) - The GA session checks whether the available hardware is sufficient for the planned workload. Recommendations for the component settings are made. EP Going-Live Check Optimization Session (GO) - The GO session simulates workload on the system and identifies performance bottlenecks and potential risks.
EP Going-Live Check Verification Session (GV)
- The GV session checks the behavior of the production system after going live and provides appropriate recommendations.What does such a GO session report contains in case of BW system is depicted below. The purpose of the session is to analyze most important InfoCubes and Queries, and to assess any potential problems in system. SAP takes few InfoCubes and Queries and makes this session based on them. Report may have following structure:BI Overview checks

BI Administration and design
Data distribution

Analysis of InfoProviders

3. Analysis of aggregates

4. Recommendations for BI

5. BI Statistics

    1. BI Reporting and planning

1. BI Runtime Statistics

2. Analysis of Query Definition

3. Analysis of OLAP Cache

4. Frontend Servers

    1. BI warehouse management

1. Upload Statistics

2. Process Chains - Runtime Overview

3. Source System Settings

  1. BI application checks
    1. Optimization of InfoProvider

1. InfoCube 1

2. InfoCube N

    1. Analysis of reporting and planning performance

1. Report 1

2. Report N

  1. Upload checks for
    1. Configuration for BI uploads

1. Important SAP Notes for data upload

    1. Process chains

1. Chain: 1

2. Chain: N

For more information check out http://service.sap.com/safeguarding.

FAQ in SAP Business Information Warehouse

1. What is table partition?
2. What are the options available in transfer rule and when ABAP code is recquired during the transfer rule what important variables you can use?
3. How would you optimize the dimensions?
4. What are the conversion routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
5. Can you make an infoobject as info provider and why?
6. What are the steps to unload non cumulative cubes?
7. Give step to step approach to archiving cubex.
8. What are the load process and post processing.
9. What are the data target administration task
10. What are the parallel process that could have locking problems
11. How would you convert a info package group into a process chain?
12. How do you transoform Open Hub Data?
13. What are the data loading tuning one can do?
14. What is ODS?
15. What is the use of BW Statistics?
16. What are the options when definging aggregates?
17. How will you debug errors with SAP GUI (like Active X error etc)
18. When you write user exit for variables what does I_Step do?
19. How do you replace a query result from a master query to a child query?
20. How do you define exception reporting in the background?
21. What kind of tools are available to monitor the overall Query Performance?
22. What can I do if the database proportion is high for all queries?
23. How to call a BW Query from an ABAP program?
24. What are the extractor types?
25. What are the steps to extract data from R/3?
26. What are the steps to configure third party (BAPI) tools?
27. What are the delta options available when you load from flat file?
28. What are the table filled when you select ABAP?
29. What are the steps to create classes in SAP-BW
30. How do you convert from LIS to LO extraction?
31. How do you keep your self-updated on major SAP Develppments, Give an analytical example.


Guys, just want to give you some idea about the examination:
It divides into 6 sections:
1. Data Modelling, (8 questions)
2. Warehouse Management,
3. Reporting,
4. Authorization, (4 questions)
5. Implementation Project, (6 questions)
6. Extraction
The weight of each section is different. The Data Modelling, Authorization, and Project Implementation are not that heavy. It would be better spending more time on the rest.
You need to understand at least the concepts for the following:
Hierarchy, line item, aggregation, display attribute, navigation attribute, Bex Map (TBW20 - Chapter 16), exception aggregation, direct update...
Good Luck.
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