Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change/Adjust Business Scenarios and Processes in Solution Manager


You can change and adjust production business scenarios and processes, using the 4 eyes principle.


You have:

Defined solutions.

Defined business scenarios and processes

assigned Roles for the Solution Directory:

Project team member: SAP_SOLMAN_DIRECTORY_EDIT

Project leader or administrator: SAP_SOLMAN_DIRECTORY_ADMIN

assigned roles for Project administration

Process Flow


1. The project team member responsible for modelling the business scenarios and processes wants to change one or more production business scenario or process. The processes must be checked out of the Solution Directory into a maintenance project for processing. Project leader or administrator:

a. assigns an existing maintenance project to the solution in the solution settings or defines and assigns a new maintenance project with Create and Assign New Project in the Project Administration (transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN).

b. activates the history and check out/in functions in the solution settings.

c. assigns project team members to make changes in the maintenance project later.

2. The business scenarios or processes of the solution are selected for check-out into the maintenance project, by the project team member responsible.

3. The administrator or project leader releases check-out of the business processes into the maintenance project for specified project team members.

4. The project team members edit the business scenarios or processes assigned to them, in the maintenance project.

5. When the project team members have edited the business scenarios, they check the business scenarios or processes back into the processes.

6. The administrator or project leader confirms the procedure so that the changed business scenarios and processes are productive.

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