Thursday, September 25, 2008

BRBACKUP Netweaver

The BRBACKUP tool allows an online or offline backup of the control file, of data files in individual orall tablespaces and, if necessary, of the online redo log files, as shown in the graphic. BRBACKUP also saves the profiles and logs relevant for the backup.

In addition to the actual backup, BRBACKUP also:

  • changes the state of the database automatically, depending on the type of backup wanted (that is,online or offline)
  • Checks the status of files
  • Optimizes the data distribution on the backup media. The algorithm for distribution is specially adapted to the requirements of a database backup, that is, to backing up a small number of large files. The distribution of data depends on whether you carry out a serial or parallel backup
  • Performs software compression, if the option is selected
  • Saves to hardware compressing tape stations, taking previously determined compression rates into account

The BRCONNECT program makes sure that the database status required for the online or offline backup remains unchanged during the backup. The saving rates largely depend on the number of tape stations in use and the CPU load (particularly when software compression is used).

You can also back up any files or directories you want. However, the backup of a directory is restricted to the files it contains. This enables backups of all SAP objects that do not belong to the database (for example, programs, SAP start profiles, selected logs, and so on).

You can also perform database backups on several disks or remotely connected tape stations.
BRBACKUP also supports Oracle databases on raw devices and Oracle Real Application Cluster
(RAC) configurations.

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