Friday, September 12, 2008

Editing Predefined Authorizations Netweaver

Once you have a role, you can generate authorizations automatically. The values of these authorizations are predominantly supplied with SAP default values. However, you can add missing values, change default values and also add additional authorizations from SAP templates or profiles.

Generating Authorizations


1. In role maintenance (transaction PFCG), choose the Authorizations tab page.

In addition to creation and change information, there is also information about the authorization profile there: the profile name, profile text, and status.

The status display on the Authorizations tab page displays whether or not the corresponding authorization profile is current. The profile is not current if the display is red or yellow. In this case, the status text on the tab page shows the reason for this.

2. To change the predefined and open authorizations of the transactions assigned to the role, choose Change Authorization Data or Expert Mode for Profile Generation.

You can explicitly select the maintenance options for the authorization values in export mode. This option is automatically set correctly in normal mode.

3. Maintain the predefined and open authorization fields for the transactions.

4. To generate an authorization profile based on this data with the Profile Generator, choose Generate (This graphic is explained in the accompanying text ).

The authorization profile generated in this way is added to the master records of the users of the role after the user master records are compared.

Changing authorizations


1. Choose Change Authorization Data.

2. You can maintain organizational levels by choosing Org. levels.


If the selected authorization data contains organizational levels, the dialog window appears.

Organization levels can be plants, company codes and business areas, for example. Specify a global value for this role for each organizational level; that is, for each field.


You can display and maintain existing organizational levels with the transaction SUPO.

3. Save your entries.

4. Check or change the default authorizations in the hierarchy view displayed. See SAP authorization concept and Authorization maintenance symbols and status texts.

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